International Giving
Through our International Giving Program, VS&Co supports organizations around the world that are dedicated to improving the lives of women and young adults.
In doing so, we strive to strengthen and deepen the community partnerships that are so important to our business and our associates.
Some of our charitable efforts include:
- Anjaba Village Women’s Weaving Empowerment project in China provides bamboo weaving and crochet training for rural women to help them acquire skills a nd start their own businesses, build their self-confidence, explore their potential and realize their self-worth while gaining economic opportunity
- RainLily Sexual Violence Crisis Centre in Hong Kong offers timely assistance for sexual violence survivors. We also support RUN-HK to support vulnerable refugees, particularly women, to build resilience and nurture self- reliance for a more hopeful future
- Women’s Development Center in Sri Lanka facilitates protection, recovery and reintegration of survivors of gender-based sexual violence
- CARE International in Indonesia supports survivors of gender-based violence and women vulnerable to violence in their family or household
- Pacific Links Foundation (PALS), a longtime partner in Vietnam, to help prevent human traffikcing by empowering women and youth through access to education and economic opportunities
- Women Empowerment and Worker Engagement Programs - HERhealth training program in Vietnam. Through the HERhealth program, more than 6 500,00 workers, mostly women, across 4 factories in our supply chain have been provided health knowledge and access to health services and products