Engagement et gestion
At Victoria’s Secret & Co., we have a long history of maintaining rigorous labor standards for our suppliers, and we believe we can continue to play an important role in empowering workers and improving working conditions across our supply chain.
We are committed to providing superior quality merchandise and services to customers. We strongly believe the quality of our merchandise begins with the treatment of the people who create our products.
VS&Co. sources all its product lines – lingerie and apparel, accessories and beauty products from more than 300 factories around the world — the vast majority of which are located in Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, U.S. and China.
Our top 10 suppliers represent more than 88 percent of our production spend; we have worked with the majority of these partners for over 20 years or more. We have mapped 100 percent of our Tier 1 and Tier 2 supply chain for our lingerie and apparel products. We have also begun the work of mapping our Tier 3 suppliers.
Tier definition:
Our definition of tiers is aligned with industry standards for supply chain tiers, as follows:
TIER 1 | Fabrication de produits finis |
TIER 2 | Installations qui fournissent des tissus, des garnitures ou des composants aux installations de niveau 1 Des installations qui fournissent des services de traitement (broderie, impression, blanchisseries, etc.) |
TIER 3 | Traitement des matières premières |
TIER 4 | Extraction des matières premières |
Notre engagement
VS&Co is fully committed to protecting human rights throughout our value chain and to ensuring all our products are ethically sourced.
We strongly believe that the quality of our merchandise begins with the treatment of the people who make our product. We hold ourselves and each other accountable to our values in all that we do. In that spirit, we strongly believe that the quality of our merchandise begins with the treatment of the people who create our products. VS&Co travaille seulement avec des fournisseurs qui partagent le même engagement en matière de pratiques commerciales éthiques et responsables. Cet engagement est enchâssé dans les nombreuses mesures dont nous nous servons pour évaluer nos partenaires fournisseurs et il fait partie de notre approche globale et exclusive de la manière dont nous faisons des affaires depuis des décennies.
Nous choisissons nos fournisseurs en fonction de leur capacité et de leur engagement à respecter nos normes de sécurité et de qualité et à suivre nos normes strictes en matière d'éthique, de travail et d'environnement. Through our rigorous standards for suppliers, we believe we can continue to play an important role in ensuring the right of workers, improving working conditions across our supply chain and empowering workers.
Protection des droits de la personne
VS&Co s'engage à respecter les droits de la personne. Our guiding philosophy on human rights is based on the following international frameworks:
• Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
• International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Human Rights and Principles at Work
• UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
In addition to the frameworks above, our practices with regard to human rights draw from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) and the United Nations Global Compact.
Beginning with our executive leadership and all the way through our value chain, our actions toward the respect of human rights are guided by fostering inclusion, creating equity, acting with integrity and behaving ethically.
At VS&Co, we understand that our impact on human rights reaches beyond our own supply chain and extends to all the communities in which we operate. We proactively engage with stakeholders to strive to be a responsible corporate citizen everywhere we operate. We continuously evaluate our processes and activities to ensure that human rights are respected throughout our business operations. Transparency is a priority in our practices, understanding that respect for human rights in our products and raw materials is paramount for our customers, employees, investors, and other stakeholders.
We take our commitment to due diligence seriously, and when we find that activities of our business partners are inconsistent with our guiding international frameworks, our standards, our Associate Code of Conduct, or our Supplier Code of Conduct, we seek corrective action.
VS&Co is committed to identifying and addressing human rights issues to drive positive change. We will continue to be vigilant in conducting ongoing human rights due diligence and engaging with key stakeholders.
For more in-depth information about our approach regarding human rights, see our Commitment to Respecting Human Rights.
Conseil du risque d'approvisionnement
Victoria's Secret & Co. (VS&Co) has a Sourcing Risk Council comprised of senior executives that meet quarterly. The executive leadership on Sourcing Risk Council has oversight for the following functions:
- Affaires de l'entreprise
- Ethics and Compliance
- Customs Compliance
- Affaires gouvernementales
- Independent Production Services (IPS)*
- Services juridiques
- Logistique
- Sélection des fournisseurs
- Production et approvisionnement
- Réglementation et assurance de la qualité
Le Conseil évalue les risques actuels (risques géopolitiques, de conformité sociale et d'approvisionnement associés) et les politiques relatives à l'approvisionnement responsable, notamment dans les emplacements où nous nous approvisionnerons ou où nous produirons des biens, comme l'explique notre Politique relative aux pays où nous nous approvisionnons. Le Conseil du risque d'approvisionnement opère sous la direction et la supervision du Comité de vérification du Conseil d'administration. Le président du Conseil du risque d'approvisionnement fait régulièrement des rapports au Comité de vérification, qui lui met au fait le Conseil d'administration.
Supplier Commitments
VS&Co suppliers are required to sign a Master Sourcing Agreement (MSA) that explicitly states that the supplier and their factories will comply with all applicable laws and VS&Co policies, including each of the policies and guidance listed below.
Code de conduite des fournisseurs
Afin que nos attentes soient bien claires, nos normes sont expliquées en détail dans notre Code de conduite pour les fournisseurs.
Politique relative aux pays où nous nous approvisionnons
VS&Co will not source product from any country prohibited or restricted by law as sanctioned by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Politique relative aux travailleurs migrants étrangers
VS&Co's Supplier Code of Conduct clearly states that prison, indentured, bonded, involuntary or slave labor or labor obtained through human trafficking shall not be used. Experts report that foreign migrant workers who travel across country borders to obtain employment are most at risk for human trafficking and forced labor and, therefore, we have established a Foreign Migrant Worker Policy to ensure that we reduce the risk of human trafficking or forced labor within our supply chain. In order to use a factory that employs foreign migrant workers, the sourcing team must obtain executive approval which can only be given if the factory receives positive results on a Foreign Migrant Worker Risk Assessment in accordance with the International Labour Organization’s handbook on Combating Forced Labour.
Politique concernant le coton
VS&Co Is committed to ensuring the traceability of cotton in our supply chain, and we align ourselves with suppliers who share this commitment.
We conduct chain of custody audits on all cotton fiber, yarn, fabric and finished goods manufacturing of cotton products and products containing cotton components to ensure they are from approved countries listed on the VS&Co Cotton Policy.
We expect our suppliers to undertake appropriate due diligence to confirm compliance with this Policy. Suppliers are required to retain all documentation for the origin of raw material, processing and manufacturing to ensure transparency and traceability of our cotton supply chain.
Politique relative aux minerais de conflit
VS&Co prohibits its suppliers from using conflict minerals which may directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its nine adjoining countries in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Act's Conflict Minerals Provisions. We periodically survey suppliers to conduct reasonable country of origin inquiries regarding conflict minerals.
According to U.S. federal law (Dodd-Frank Act, Section 1502), all U.S. public companies, including VS&Co, are required to perform a country of origin (COO) investigation for any 3TG (tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold) in their products, including whether sourcing of those metals may have benefited non-state armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) or its nine adjoining countries (collectively known as the “DRC+9”). We require our suppliers to retain records related to conflict minerals supply chain inquiries for a minimum of 5 years and make them available to VS&Co or its designee during audits or upon request. This includes but is not limited to declarations from sub-suppliers, purchasing records, and other supporting documents to substantiate where the 3TG material originated. Form SD and Conflict Minerals Reports previously filed by VS&Co can be viewed as part of our SEC filings.
Independent Production Services (IPS) Compliance Guidebook
IPS, a compliance function within VS&Co publishes a Compliance Guidebook (Guidebook) annually and distributes it to all of our suppliers worldwide. The Guidebook is a collection of policies and standards with which our suppliers are expected and legally obligated to comply. The Guidebook provides additional clarification to supplier partners and their factories regarding a broad range of compliance standards and requirements that we are committed to as an enterprise and expect our suppliers to follow. Included in the Guidebook are the VS&Co’s Supplier Code of Conduct, compliance standards related to forced labor and human trafficking, the Cotton Policy and the Conflict Minerals Policy, among others.
The Guidebook is made available to all suppliers and associates involved in the production and purchasing process and outlines the requirements each must meet to work with VS&Co.
*IPS is a compliance function within VS&Co that works with suppliers to ensure goods are sourced from factories that meet or exceed VS&Co's compliance standards. IPS is responsible for monitoring and enforcement of VS&Co's social compliance program and has been supporting global compliance for more than two decades, enabling improvement in working conditions, supply chain security, and trade compliance in our supply chain through monitoring, remediation, capacity building and training.