
Reducing our environmental impact starts first at the facilities we own and operate. In our U.S.-based offices and distribution centers, we have invested in facility upgrades to better manage our energy use, water use and waste. And, we are expanding our focus, evaluating our facilities globally to better understand our complete footprint and plan for meaningful reduction efforts. 


To improve water efficiency in our owned operations, our U.S. offices and distribution centers have moved to hands-free automatic faucets, automatic flush valves and waterless urinals. We will continue to monitor and report on our water consumption annually in our annual ESG report.


In order to conserve water resources, our home office grounds are planted with native trees and plantings adapted to the Ohio climate. This allows us to use less water to irrigate landscaping.

Protecting natural waterways

In order to protect surface waters in the vicinity of our buildings, we have a spill prevention and control program.

We utilize retention ponds to reduce storm water runoff to local bodies of water and use the water from those ponds for our fire suppression systems.


We continue to evaluate our waste footprint to better understand opportunities for reduction. Examples of our efforts to date include textile donation and recycling, keeping product packaging to a minimum and recycling at our offices and distribution centers. We continue to find new ways to enable and encourage our associates to reduce our collective waste footprint, such as holding e-waste collection events so associates can properly dispose of electronics.


To improve the energy efficiency of our Columbus-based home office and distribution centers, we have converted all lighting to LED, have a white roof to reduce cooling load in our office facilities, installed a central chiller system for one of our distribution centers, updated to motion sensor lighting and installed energy and lighting controls. For these facilities, we source 100 percent carbon-free power via Emissions- Free Energy Certificates from our provider, Energy Harbor.

For more information on our facilities management, read our annual ESG report