Victoria’s Secret & Co. is affiliated with the following organizations focused on environmental protection and sustainability:
Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP), a policy network of Ceres, comprises influential companies advocating for stronger climate and clean energy policies at the state and federal level in the U.S. Ceres BICEP Network members support three principles: increased adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency; increased investment in a clean energy economy; and increased support for climate change resilience.
Columbus GreenSpot
GreenSpot serves as a resource for people and organizations committed to living and working greener in our home office location of Columbus, Ohio.
Columbus Partnership Smart Columbus Initiative
Smart Columbus is the smart city initiative for the City of Columbus and the Columbus Region, focused on the reinvention of mobility.
Green Columbus
A nonprofit organization in our home office location of Columbus, Ohio, Green Columbus is dedicated to promoting sustainable living in central Ohio and globally.
Materials for the Arts
New York’s premiere reuse center, Materials for the Arts provides a way for companies and individuals to donate unneeded supplies to public schools and nonprofit organizations with arts programming. (formerly known as Forest Ethics) designs and implements strategies that focus on shifting corporate behavior, promoting alternatives to fossil fuels and developing the leadership required to catalyze long-term change.
U.S. EPA SmartWay
EPA’s SmartWay program helps companies advance supply chain sustainability by measuring, benchmarking and improving freight transportation efficiency.
U.S. EPA WasteWise
EPA’s WasteWise encourages organizations and businesses to achieve sustainability in their practices and reduce select industrial wastes.